Background Information
As the development and popularity of network technology, there comes of Multimedia Network Surveillance System. Combining Digital Video Monitoring and Network technologies, it realizes RVM even when no one on the monitor-ing spot. In this way, there are no geographical restrictions on monitoring, thus improving the management level and efficiency. However, the information safety cannot get guaranteed. With VPN’s appearance, RVM achieves a safe and convenient transmission.
Following are customers’ demands in detail in RVM Building:
- Secure Transmission
Taking account of information exposed in extranet without encryption, users hope RVM’s transmission process to Headquarter safely, not revealing com-panies’ confidential. And if the videoing could arrive at the destination in real-time, then network administrators could take responses for secure pro-tection and warning. All these ask to build an integral VPN RVMS, realizing a stable and safe transmission. - Stable Broadband Access
Monitoring information is transmitted through VPN, which does make a se-cure and stable connection. But once the broadband access via Public internet is unstable, connection gets lost and hence influencing VPN’s work-ing. So a stable broadband access or supporting backup when ISP being disconnected is very necessary for users. - Huge Handling Capacity
As we all know, Multimedia Network Surveillance System takes up huge bandwidth, including the transmission of video, voice and relevant data. Speaking of big volume, there is no doubt to extend the bandwidth to realize a real-time and smooth delivering. But just adding lines to extend bandwidth cost a lot and brings problems in management. Considering of this, users are looking for appropriate devises to realize huge handling capacity with lower spending. - Anti-attack Firewall
More and more network attacks and virus create potential crisis for network security. It can decline the rate of information transmission. Worse still, it would influence the whole network and RVM’s moving on. But more firewalls mean higher cost. Apparently, devices with build-in firewalls’ are users seek-ing for. - Online Behaviors Monitoring
Some staff may download movies or use IM chatting during office hours. For one thing, the working efficiency gets reduced; for another, this occupancy in bandwidth could affect monitoring information’s transmission and real-time reaction. The most severe thing is bringing various virus, worms and Trojan. As it turns out, certain configuration about controlling on intranet users is also very important for users. - Easy Configuration and Management
Some companies have no professional network administrators. So it really bothers when comes of command in router’s configuration. Inviting experts will definitely influence working efficiency and increase cost. All these ask for an intuitive and easy configuration in Router’s UI.
II. Analysis of RVMS Solution
- For Headquarter:
Headquarter is the center of data storage and handling for any companies. Here owns the most computers and are carrying on the tremendous ex-changing of data from different branches. Besides, because it is connected with all the other branches to realize RVM and other behaviors, Qno suggests QVF8205, QVF8210 and QVF8230 etc. with build-in firewall and VPN func-tions considering of security. - For Branches:
Each branch may choose the similar router with Headquarter or not, taking cost and real demands in account. However, for RVMS, it would be better to choose devises supporting NAT Traversal and different kinds of broadband access or ISPs, saving efforts in adjusting the configurations or maintenances. Qno here recommends its lower/middle sizes router such as QVF8034, QVF8042, QVF8072, and so on with VPN function. - For Mobile Users:
Company’s staff and also the network administrator may be on a business outside. Under this condition, how to access RVM? They have a lot of choices, SSL Browser, PPTP Windows bringing with itself or other VPN software to access Headquarter, while all of these are painstaking, tedious and complex in configuration or insecure for them. Considering of a perfect coordinating, you’d better choose QnoKey for its easy installation and application. Even the network administrator is outside; he/she could manage the whole LAN.
According to companies’ requirements on RVMS’ building and above analysis, a network deployment comes out. Below is its topology:
Figure:Topology of Qno VPN Solution for RVMS

X-Chain Pharmacy, having branches around the province, requires RVM for central administration in Headquarter. Deploying Qno’s solution, this company asks each branch having VPN software to realize its RVM. Qno Router has outstanding characteristics:
- Multi-WAN: Qno products Multi-WAN support Bandwidth Aggregation and Line Auto-Backup. Companies could access more ADSLs in case of addi-tional demands in bandwidth. And by accessing several ISPs, VPN con-nection would always be on even when one of them is lost. Besides, it also realizes Data Distribution and Load Balancing for a better using.
- Powerful Firewall: Just configuring in clients’ routers, network administra-tors can start relevant actions to prevent all kinds of hacker, ARP and worm virus invasion. SPI inspects the passing-by packages to prevent ARP At-tack in the 1st place and Auto Bi-biding IP/MAC protects ARP effectively. All of these decrease the damages from network attacks and ensure a secure network environment.
- QoS Bandwidth Management: It includes Qno traditional bandwidth man-agement and SmartQoS management according to session, Max/Min bandwidth, also doing Dynamic smart management to have restrictions on special applications or users. Moreover, QoS also support different polices in bandwidth management depending on diverse network environments and time periods (such as 3 polices a day), thus realizing bandwidth opti-mization.
- Central Control: Network administrator can check VPN connection clearly without examining the connection of each branch, bandwidth usage and video monitoring. Each branch is listed in the UI of Headquarter for con-figuration and problems finding. Just click on the specific branch, users could see the situation of this branch. The whole process is safe and effi-cient.
- Easy configuration UI: Qno Multi-WAN VPN Firewall series provides clear and plain UI settings. This series also support strong syslog. Taking look at Syslog Management helps find the monitoring information to make re-sponses.
- Effortless setting with SmartLink VPN: Only the IP address of central server, User name and code, the task will be finished comparing with other VPN products’ more than 20 setting rules.
- Flexible in choosing other VPN Protocols: The highest level Qno router supports PPTP, IPSec VPN, SmartLink VPN and QnoKey IPSec which of-fers various ways in building RVMS to accomplish an inter-communicate VPN system among Headquarter and all branches. This feature does a great offer in companies’ extending. And each newer branch could pick the most appropriate way and device by actual plan and application.
- Strategy Routing: Inter-communication among different ISPs causing stagnation because of insufficient bandwidth. With this functionality, certain ISP passes a dedicated WAN, reducing the effort to fins the most suit way.
- Exclusive Routing: By Protocol banding, Qno router realizes certain service having its own WAN. For VPN using, you can band VPN to a WAN to en-sure a stable VPN tunnel.
This application fully represents Qno’s “Simple, Safe, Speedy” notion, which also satisfies customer’s requirements at minimum cost. Especially for VPN RVMS users having high demands in bandwidth, security and sturdy, this so-lution provides a smooth VPN tunnel among Headquarter and branches, high quality in video monitoring, 1st time to resolve problems facing toughs. This is the most economic and convenient solution.
Except Chain Pharmacy, this RVM solution can also be used in Chain shop POS system, bank system, Construction field and many other fields. For more information, you can always click on or telephone us.